How to Create Intellectual Property That Matters authenticity copyright intellectualproperty trademarks Mar 30, 2020

Here is an interview I did with Joyce Odidison on how to think about intellectual property rights in the remote work place. In recent weeks, the world has seen millions of people shift to online work spaces, where the most valuable commodity is intellectual assets. One of the questions...

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Finding the Courage to be Creative authenticity courage creativity intellectual property positive change Nov 25, 2019

There are so many known benefits to being creative. Yet, few of us make creativity a practice or habit. In this week's podcast episode, we discuss some of the known benefits of creativity, why being creative and sharing your work with the world is hard, and finding the courage to do that. As we...

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5 Essentials to Creating a Business that Thrives authenticity business success consistency corporate social responsibility integrity Nov 04, 2019

Creating a business that is successful is difficult. It takes a lot of thought, commitment, hard work, and foresight to build the momentum to get your business off the ground and to then run a successful business. A successful business does more than maximize profits to...

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5 Surprising Truths about Authenticity authenticity creativity leadership personal values Jun 22, 2019

One key essential to the heart centered life is authenticity: the quality of being real, truthful, and genuine. Authentic people tend to be trustworthy because they consistently tune in to an inner moral compass to guide their  interaction with the world around them. They make...

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The Heart-Centered Life and It's Significance authenticity creativity heart-centered leadership heart-centered life intellectual property Jun 09, 2019

People often ask, "What is the Heart-Centered Life?" and what does it mean to be "heart-centered?" when I talk about the launch of my website and the Heart-Centered Life Podcast. Since I get asked these question quite a lot, I decided to devote this post to answering that question and going...

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